
The area of interactions is the one where you really “interact” with other people. We tend to believe that this is easy and that we “know” what is happening while interacting. There are so many forces playing during interaction that we should humble in admitting that we only notice a fraction of what is happening. Interactions cover a very large area of skills, some of which are:

  • Intolerances: do we get upset by certain behaviours or topics?
  • Stress: do we notice our stress and its impacts on our communication?
  • Listening: are we good listeners? Do we take the time to listen?
  • Conversations: how good are we in hosting enriching conversations?
  • Questions: do we know how to ask and use open questions?
  • Conflicts: how do we deal with conflicts?


  • How tolerant are we for different personalities? Are we aware of our intolerances?
  • How do I cope with multiple personalities?
  • How do we tackle potential stress in the group?
  • How would you rate the listening level of the group? Could you discuss how to improve it?
  • Do we ensure everybody is involved and is participating?
  • Do we know which conflicts to solve and how?

Journaling – Intolerances

  • Am I aware of my tolerances which are activated in this collaboration?
  • Do I try to tackle them? How?
  • Are we defining together shared values & behaviours?
  • Did we identify behaviours we won’t accept in this group?

Journaling – Stress

  • By how much am I conscious of my stress?
  • Which strategies could I use to quickly reduce my stress level “on the spot”?
  • How would be my life if my stress level would reduce substantially?

Journaling – Listening

  • What could I do to improve my listening skills?
  • What would be the benefits of it?
  • In meeting, what could we do together to boost listening?

Tools for listening

  • Heard, Seen, Respected (HSR)
    • A tool to foster the empathetic capacity of participants to “walk in the shoes” of others
  • Appreciative Interviews (AI)
    • In less than one hour, a group of any size can generate the list of conditions that are essential for its success.

Tools for problem solving

  • Discovery & Action Dialogue (DAD)
    • Discover, Invent, and Unleash Local Solutions to Chronic Problems
  • Generative Relationships  STAR
    • Reveal Relationship Patterns That Create Surprising Value or Dysfunctions (25 min.)
    • Link

Tools for conflict resolution

  • In a traditional workplace, people often raise the dispute to a boss to settle the matter. In self-managing organizations, disagreements are resolved among peers, often using a conflict resolution process. Consult this page to find out more about tools for conflict resolution.


  • Icebreakers help people to get to know each other when you start a meeting or workshop

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